Technical Documentation

Creating a new OS2borgerPC image

PREREQUISITES: squashfs-tools genisoimage p7zip-full xorriso figlet

# Resources about how to build or tweak this:

cd to the image directory: $ cd image

From this directory, run the following command:

$ ./ iso_path image_name

“iso_path” is a path to the ISO image to be remastered.

“image_name” is the name of the output image, e.g. “OS2borgerPC-x.y.z”. The output ISO file will be called “$image_name”.iso.

Convert a vanilla Ubuntu installation into an OS2borgerPC

Start installing a vanilla Ubuntu system - Ubuntu 22.04 in the present example. Install on a virtual or physical machine. If installing in a virtual machine, be sure to use UEFI boot - the install scripts currently don’t handle images with legacy boot well (there is no trouble installing on machines with legacy boot, though).

Select the correct target language for installation - Danish if your users want to work in Danish.

Create the initial user as Superuser - specify os2borgerpc as host name. This is by convention, the initial user (sudo user) and host name can be whatever you want

Enter the standard OS2borgerPC password (if you don’t know it, ask someone or choose your own).

To install OS2borgerPC, you need the file. You’ll find it in this repository, in image/build/ You can also read that file and perform the commands manually, step by step.

Change execution rights for the installation file. Open a terminal:

sudo chmod +x

Start the installation:


Now the system is ready to be connected to the admin system.

When the system is rebooted the system log in as superuser so the “Registrer i OS2borgerPC Admin” script can be executed from the Desktop.